37th Danubia-Adria-Symposium, 2021, Linz

Danubia-Adria-Symposium series (DAS)
on the fields of Experimental Mechanics

Citation from the first 30 Year History of DAS (Ivo Alfirevich: The story about Danubia Adria, in edition of Croatian Society of Mechanics, 1983-2013. Zagreb, Croatia, 2013.)

Danubia Adria Committee and Danubia-Adria Symposia were founded by a group of scientists and professors established in the Middle Europe and disappointed with the political, economic, cultural and, above all, scientific division of Europe, enforced at the time. Professors and scientists established in eastern countries had been put in a particularly awkward position. Namely, in these countries international scientific cooperation between the East and the West had been heavily hindered.

The impact of pandemic, coronavirus C-19 reached our Symposium series as well. In 2020, we were not able to organize the 37th Symposium. This year, we hope, we can recover the organization procedure, and in September 21-24., 2021 in Linz (same place and date was planned in 2020) in personal meeting form we can continue our traditions.

The information necessary for participation can be seen in the website: www.jku.at/tmech/das2020


Lajos Borbás
Honorary Member of DAS
Secretary General for GTE
Prof. Emeritus