It was founded in Paris in 1948 with the motto Progressons en Commun – Together we Progress. FISITA’s purpose is the same today as it was then: to bring together engineers from across the globe to share ideas and advance the technological development of the automobile.

FISITA is the umbrella organisation for the national automotive societies around the world – controlled by the engineering profession and supported by the global automotive industry. Our network of Member Societiesrepresents over 210,000 automotive engineers. FISITA’s goal is to provide a forum for dialogue amongst these engineers, as well as industry, government, academia, environmental and standards organisations.

FISITA’s organisation of events such as the biennial World Automotive Congress, the annual World Automotive Summit and the annual braking specialist event EuroBrake, as well as its patronage of its Members’ conferences, has led to FISITA becoming an international leader in the exchange of knowledge in all areas of automotive technology.

FISITA continues to support the professional development of working engineers, whilst providing comprehensive resources to students and young engineers making their way into the profession.

FISITA serves the pursuit and exchange of knowledge and ideas. As our founding president Maurice Norroy said, “The history of the automobile, more than anything else, is the history of a revolution.” As the industry continues to move forwards, FISITA recognises and encourages the contributions that can be made to society: safer and cleaner vehicles, more efficient mobility solutions and the promotion of careers in engineering for young people.